Friday, March 20, 2015

The Double Edged Sword of Promiscuity

Why is it that when girls sleep around they are called horrible names and looked down upon?  Why is it that boys who sleep with those same girls are applauded and given the high five? Look at any high school. The girl that gets lucky is labeled a whore, slut, fast, easy, or immortalized in a Prince song thinly disguised as a car. The boy that sleeps around is usually popular and cool. They can have almost triple the number of sexual partners, but the chick with the multiple partners is shamed. I figured there has to be some sort of formula for this:

Number of sex partners * positions (Instances of coitus + Oral)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------     =  Whore

Three seems to be a magic number. For example, a woman with two kids; each with a different father. Fine, right? Three kids, three different dads and now she's whore status.  Something about that third kid pushes it over the edge into slut territory.  Now what if it was over a span of 15 years? 3 partners in 15 years? That's relativlwy mild by anyone's standards.  On this blog I used to read before their layout became intolerable (side eye to you, Enty) some commenters called Kate Winslet a whore because she has three children with three fathers. You know who they didn't call a whore? Kevin Costner.  He has SEVEN kids with three baby mamas.

Perhaps instead of "Slut Shaming" we should educate our young people about the dangers of unprotected sex and then leave them in a room with teething toddlers for two hours. When they leave the room there will be a bowl full of condoms.  Teenage pregnancy problem solved, you're all welcome. Slut shaming is never the answer, education is.  And really, who says you have to buy the dress? You can always try it on... What if you hate it? Or worse, what if it's too small? What if it's just a bad dress?

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