Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Responsibility and Other Reasons Being a Grown-up Sucks....

Being a grown-up is both awesome and terrible. I know the benefits on being a grown-up like picking your own bedtime and being able to drink alcohol, but it also comes with a ton of responsibilities that actually prevent you from really being able to pick your own bedtime and drink alcohol. Things like making money, budgeting money, budgeting time, cleaning, feeding yourself and your offspring, the list goes on and on.

The thing that sucks most about being a grown-up is balancing the wants (really really really want!) with the practical decision making that is should be part of adulthood. I point this out because, I want a new car! So very badly. I have had a minivan for most of the last 20 years, so when my oldest started driving I quickly went and got me a car, all the way back in 2011! Okay, I know that's not that long ago, but I like having a new car. The reason I NEED really really want a new car is, I may have jumped the gun on getting a 5 seater. I drive around too many children and have too many people in my house to not have a mini-van. They are so practical and useful! I hate SUVs, mostly because you can get all the features plus some additional for a lot less money and better fuel mileage with a minivan. The "soccer mom" image never bothered me because I am a soccer mom, without the soccer. And look at this!
 Isn't this beautiful?

 It has an ultra-wide screen that can be split into 2. 
Also hdmi ports and headphones. 
Guaranteed to have peaceful road trips. 

There is a built in mother f'n vaccum! Vacuum sand off the kids at the beach! 

I love this van. I could buy it. The monthly payments are affordable and not much more then I currently pay. It's all doable. BUT there is that grown-up voice going.....is now really a great time? Shouldn't you pay your car off some more? If you saved a bit more of a down payment think how much cheaper your payments could be? 

Stupid grown-up voice.

BTW - The tiny little grown-up that lives in my brain doesn't help me in the majority of situations in which I WANT to feel/act grown up (how do you set a table? What is appropriate adult conversation? What types of people throw dinner parties? Am I that type of person? How does make-up work? What are grown-up clothes?), but in this instance that voice is loud and annoying and won't let me buy a new car. 
Share my pain and if anyone is reading this feel free to leave a comment about your grown-up voice...does anyone else have one? Is yours helpful or annoying? <crickets> 

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