It opens with Felix and Sarah putting the Dead Castor Seth in the tub, when Art decides to make a nice little surprise visit. Coaima skypes in and said that it sounds like the Castos have a design flaw and they really need to examine his braaaaiiiinnnns. Art says he got a lead on the mushing fish dude Mark.
Mark is holed up in a hotel with Gracie as they try to honeymoon and share secrets. He confesses that he never left the army that he was assigned to recover stolen material.
Allison and Donnie blackmail the neighbors with drugs to win. I love it.
Art and Sarah stop the midwife. She tells Sarah Helena is pregnant with Henriks child. They drive and talk about Beth. He tells Sarah to look up Hendricks aka.
Gracie and Seth go to confront Mr. Fitch. She gets a mysterious box.
Helena is in the cell. Virginia doc gripes Rudy. Tells him to go to her office. Paul and her talk. Says the defect is getting worse. And they need the original genetic material. She needs him to buy more time with the director.
Codina and Scott take Serbs brain. Pretty damn gross too.
Rachel is working on recovery. The doc says that she's dead to topside, but she is more valuable than she knows. She does not recognize the castor logo.
Rudy has some major mommy issues.
Art and Sarah question finch, and midwife goes to new fish house and says she may know where Mark took Gracie.
Mark is disappointed with the box of notes from mr finch. He's going to see to it himself and says he'll be back in an hour.
Oh and art was in love with Beth and they did the horizontal tango.
Rudy taunts Helena, Paul apologizes and Helena threatens to kill them all
Sarah runs into Gracie praying at the diner. She tells her that Mark is a big old cloney clone clone. Meanwhile Marky Mark of the cloney bunch is playing the pain game with Willard looking for Hendricks stuff. Gracie's mom shows up at the hotel. They have a heart to heart.
Scott and Cosima are in the lab. Seth's brain was rapidly deteriorating- he wouldn't last a week. Cosima is comparing the Leda DNA to the castors.
Sarah is creeping around finches warehouse and Cosima calls. The Castors are their brothers. Sarah runs into Mark said finch died of a heart attack. Mark corners Sarah and she tells him that they are family. He doesn't believe her and goes to the truck. Sarah watches from the garage. Suddenly he falls. He has been shot in the leg by Gracie's mom. He crawls to the cornfield as she hunts him. Bang.
Well that was intense!
Clone death count this week 1 Castor - RIP Mark.
Kinda missed the imaginary scorpion friend.
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