Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Glasses time

If you're a long time reader you know I wear glasses. If you're a new reader, welcome! Catch up on glasses here http://thecarec.blogspot.com/2015/06/glasses-don-be-afraid-of-color.html?m=1 And here http://thecarec.blogspot.com/2015/05/fashion-friday-finding-vintage-eye-frame.html?m=1 And here  http://thecarec.blogspot.com/2015/05/fashion-friday-who-says-glasses-have-to.html?m=1 So now it's my annual eye appointment. Spoiler alert I was rescheduled for tomorrow. Boo. While I was there I decided to do some shopping. There are a lot of cute frames. I really liked these by Michael Khors. They're clear with sides that look both blue or purple depending on the light.  So cute!!! Till I was told they look like safety glasses. Boo. I work in a plant safety glasses are a staple here. We cannot look like everyone else; what's the point of finding funky frames? These tell a story. I do not want the story to be sir works a lot.  Now what about these? They fit my usual criteria, fun, funky, and stands out. I really like them.  The story they tell are: hey she's fun! But I like these too... They're soft. Pretty.  So which ones do I choose? And here we come to the point. You don't have to buy right then. You don't have to buy from there. Shop around. Take selfies. Know what you are looking for. You have to wear these pretty regularly so don't settle. I did that last time and you know what? I rarely wear that pair because I don't really like them.  Make sure you get something you love and that you feel comfortable in. And when you get them in and if the scripts a little off; don't be shy tell them! It's their job to make sure you are comfortable. You are paying for a service. Use it, and your money, wisely. 

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