Selfie Sticks, for those who have been living in a cave, are an extendable pole that you can hold your cell phone in and they are used to take...well selfies.
They have haters! I don't quite understand such hatred for an inanimate object not created for the sole purpose of murdering people ::cough::, but man do people hate these things.
Arguments go: They symbolize the 'me' generation, they are for vapid narcissist who feel the need to document their every deed, there is no need for them and they serve no function/purpose, people do stupid crap with them (only valid point more on this one later) and the hatred goes on and on.
Okay, I get it, but those same people making these arguments, if you glance at any of their social media sites usually have plenty of pictures of themselves. It's not pictures they are against. Which means their complaint is having a convienant way to take pictures? Is this the modern day equivalent to when I was your age we had to walk/write letters/ arguement? We had to ask strangers to take pictures and we were just fine! Okay that's wonderful, but you only did that because that was your only option, that doesn't make this generation terrible for using modern conveniences. Why is it more okay to bother a stranger to use your phone to take a picture (and take a risk of them running off with it), but doing it yourself with a pole is terrible? I am not trying to dump on the haters, but their arguments seem weak. These things are useful and that's what I want to discuss and also some disclaimers about the responsibility that goes along with selfie stick usage!
For starters, I hate pictures. Hate them. HATE them. I run when cameras are brought out and the idea of asking a stranger to take a picture that I would rather jump off a bridge than take makes me want to...well jump off a bridge. Maybe you photogenic photo lovers don't understand this, but it is a phobia like any others and doesn't need to make sense to you. Just know that my phobia is very really and can produce very real panic attacks. Enter my selfie stick...or as I call it my groupie stick! I can now quickly and without thought or production snap photos of me and the kids when we are on vacations or doing activities. They aren't terrible either! Like this one...
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Donner Lake in the background. Glad we weren't stuck here I don't think my traveling companions would have made a good meal. :) |
I don't know why I don't get the anxiety, but I think it is due to the lack of anticipation. It is quick and I can focus on the technical aspects, angling and making sure whatever I am setting up is in the shot rather than OMG I AM IN A PICTURE. It works and it's handy! This is the first vacation I am in more then 1 picture.
The other reason they are useful is the angle, you can take pictures looking upward....
or pictures looking down on you....
That last one I took while my husband and I were on a ski lift. It was cool, but I made sure it was okay and safe before taking this which brings me to responsibilities!
This is not a new technology. Photographers have been using a professional version for years. This is new to the masses. Cell phones have made these popular and like them or not they are not going away. Places may try to ban them for a time, but eventually those bans will lift. The masses have to catch up and figure out how to use these things without being dicks about it. It will take time and some will never learn. Just keep in mind they are only terrible if the owner is terrible, it's not like it was created with nefarious horrible intentions ::cough::. It can be awesome if the owners are awesome, it does have good purpose. :D
Being courteous and thoughtful of others and where you put your stick (heh) is essential. Never use to your stick to obstruct someones view or put your stick in their face (hehe). Getting that perfect picture is important, but not whacking people in the face is equally important. If you want to record something stand in the back and use that stick up high not obstructing any ones view, don't stand in the front and then raise your stick, it is rude to stand in front of others with a raised stick (bwhaha, these innuendos are so funny, because I have a 13 year old mentality). Last, but not least DO NOT USE THESE ON ROLLER COASTERS or in any area in which it may be even the slightest bit dangerous to yourself or others! I posted my ski lift picture to show, yes there are occasions you can safely snap a picture, a slow moving ski lift and there was so track for it to get in the way of or any people I could accidentally murder by its use, but there is no need to snap a photo on a roller coaster with a selfie stick, that is not what they were designed to be used for people. It's people who do dumb things like that that give us responsible stick owners a hard time!
So what do you think, if there are any yous out there? Pro selfie stick or no? Any additional responsibilities to add? Do you think I can get mine registered as an emotional companion and have permission to bring it places it's banned like people do with their stupid dogs (sorry I meant your beloved family members which I am allergic to and make me feel like death, my stick won't murder you just by standing near you :p)? Did anyone else appreciate my stick humor? :D
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