Sooooo- I tend to get sick a lot lately, pregnancy, gall bladder, who knows. All I know is it strikes fast and suddenly. So what do you do when you are in a brand new Honda Odessey when the need strikes? Oh yeah coming from San Diego? In the middle of 5 lanes of traffic? No where near the shoulder?
You try to win the iron jaws award. Sadly, with vomit rising, it may be too late.
Tips: Try to keep it contained. Use whatever you can get you hands on, purse, backpack, diaper bag, jacket.
I used my jacket. It held up nicely. Unless you have a Birkin, then save the bag.
No complaining! Do even utter a word about your discomfort. Sit there in shame for you have soiled the upholstery!
Laugh it up! You're covered in puke, there's an hour left to go. Reminds you of those wild nights of youth. All that's missing is the Taco Bell. Of course that could be the cause of the problem. Gingerly, gingerly... No, that does not mean dye your hair red. (It's a good look though, I recommended it!) it means when you get out of the vehicle keep those knees locked! Move slowly, don't let any spill! Be careful not to brush against anything. Scrub a dub dub! Once you've hosed off- get some cleaner and clean up your mess immediately! Can't let anything like that sit or else it's puke smell forever- and no one wants that. Also, it is wise to leave all windows down to insure proper ventilation.
Throw those clothes away- or in the washer. Protip- shake those clothes out! You don't want to end up with a wayward pair of panties at Disneyland. (True story!)
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