Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My So Called Sleeping

So does anyone else have self aware sleeping? I googled it and I just get a bunch of woo woo lucid dreaming psychic weirdo stuff, but that's not what I'm talking about. I sleep well, I don't need many hours of sleep and I don't wake up easily, BUT most of the time I am aware I'm sleeping and I can actively think about things and make lists and plans and I have full recollection in the morning. I've been told, by disbelievers, I'm really actually awake, but I'm not. I don't hear anything going on around me and I don't dream, or maybe I make lists in my dream? There are no visuals, except words, but I also think in words, which my husband says is very weird. Outside my mind I am a very visual person, but I think that's because I have no pictures in my mind so I need to see it in person! Its like my mind is still operating on DOS. Anyways, my point to this tangent is while in this state this morning I started thinking about kids and sleepovers and here is the downside go my self aware sleeping (and how I know I'm not actually awake) if I get a question or a thought that really intrigues me or bothers me I have to have the answer, it becomes an obsession and then I literally annoy myself awake. Having a phone with the internet seriously made my life 1000 times better, when this happened as a kid I'd often wake up and start crying out of frustration. Seriously, when I was about 6 maybe, I remember sleep-thinking about my toes, I have webbed toes and I began wondering why and what caused them and annoyed myself awake. I woke up and was groggy and annoyed, but I realized waking up wasn't helpful! Everyone was asleep, I had no books on webbed toes, and in my child frustration I started sobbing. My mom came in and asked why I was crying and I said "I have webbed toes and don't know why and I can't understand it!" She looked shocked and a bit amused and told me I was asleep and having a bad dream and stop worrying. She didn't get it. Anyways this post ties into my next one, because of something that I was thinking about in my sleep and annoyed myself awake over.

I can tell from the lack of comments few, if any people are reading, but I'll ask anyways, anyone else do this? Am I crazy? Want to just tell me I'm awake and just have no idea what sleep is? Comment!!

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