Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tbt- parents should have left me to the wolves

I think I may have mentioned once or twice what a terrible child I was. So this throw back Thursday tale is one of mine. 

Once upon a time, my mother was in the hospital birthing my sister. I was 5-1/2, and being cared for by my beloved grandmother, Momom Arnaud. She was doing something at the sink and I was sitting on the floor by her feet. Gran, in her dramatic fashion said, "Shelly, I sure wish I could make it to your high school graduation.." In my innocence, I asked how old she was, and how old I'd be when I were to graduate. I counted on my fingers, hey math is hard when you're 5! Looked up at her and very seriously replied, "No, Granny, you're not going to make it..."

My Gran loved this story, and actually told it at my high school graduation party- and my college graduation party.

Miss you, Gran. 

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