Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Let’s talk AHS Cult

I hate clowns. Needless to say, I haven’t been a fan of this season so far. Well last night’s show finally redeemed itself. Let’s chat! If you haven’t seen season 3 of American Horror Story: Cult and want it to remain a surprise stop reading now. Move on, watch a make up tutorial or something, nothing to see here. This is not the blog post you are looking for. Meanwhile....

Spoilers ahead

Theories ahead

All clear?

Ok good.  So the opening sequence with the lady and her husband conquering her fear; only to be killed by the clown possee the same way? Ooooooooo! Ok so the doctor has to be in on it. He has to exploit people by their fears. Does he murder them when they are cured? Conquer your fear and get murdered? A friend (thanks Jonathan!) pointed out that the doctor had smiley face buttons in his office. Everything is a clue in AHS. 

And wow when Kai slapped Meadow! Yasssss! I wanted to slap her too for that stupid statement. So obviously they’re part of the cult.  And hot cop and neighbor dude are obviously a thing. So how did Oz get the video of Ally and Winter? I can’t believe Ivy slapped her! A lot of hitting going on in this episode. 

So both Ally and crazy neighbors have the smiley face Target on their house somewhere. However, the neighbors are part of the Kai cult. Now is the Kai Cult the same as the Doctor Cult? Is this like west side story AHS version? They’ve burst into song on previous seasons, so it would not surprise me. 

Lets talk names. Ivy, Winter, Meadow. Even Kai means Ocean in Hawaiian. And the doctor- Dr Rudy? Rudy means famed Wolf. A wolf in docs clothing maybe. Hmmmmmmm. I see on IMDB we will be getting a character named Serenity. Cult member? Probably. 

Who is the mastermind behind the cult? Who is the leader? I think we have just scratched the surface.  Can’t wait for next week!!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Book Review: The Selection by Kiera Cass

This is a young adult novel. I had heard good things, and decided to give it a go. This book is set in a future where the United States no longer exist. North America is now Illena and is ruled by a monarchy. The prince needs to find a wife, so they have a selection. Kind of a Hunger Games/Lottery type, but with catty bitches instead of people trying to kill each other. The story follows a Selection hopefully called America. She is in a lower caste (apparently they've gone to a caste system now) and she is selected in the bridal pool. 

I could not put this book down. It wasn't all romance, it's about adjusting and coming to terms with heartbreak, and some suspicious activity. Why did the reporter have a weird star shaped broach? What are the rebels looking for? 

I really enjoyed this book, and I'm about to start on the next in the series, The Elite. 

Find it here: The Selection

Rating 10/10 would read again. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

I hate mornings too. 

Devil baby hates to wake up. He's going to be one of those kids. I can see it now, the copious amounts of ice water I am going to have to throw on him, the yelling, the pleading, and the late days to work.  Without further ado, here's the foreshadowing.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Fund

I don't know if you know, but my area was impacted by Hurricane Harvey. We were very fortunate, however, many of my Co-Workers and Friends were not. My employer has set up a GoFund Me for those associates who have lost everything. Link is below. If you can and want to help, please do so. You can even be anonymous!  The link is below.

They have really done so much for us, the support has been overwhelming. From arranging RVs for people to live, to arranging a truck for food. They also help gut homes. Thank you so much!!!


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Make up tutorial! My first!

I know I previously wrote a post about Tarte- Swamp Queen Pallet. Refresher here.  Well I actually did a make up tutorial for this pallet. Link is below!!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Kids are assholes. 

There, I said it. Kids are assholes. It just gets worse, they don't sleep as babies, terrible twos, homework fights, puberty, teenage angst, and then the years you spend being a complete moron while they know everything. Kids are assholes. With every eyeroll and buuutttt moooooom, I think "asshole kids". It's become my mantra. Lately, Devil Baby, had been shhhhhhhing me every time I tell him something he doesn't want to do. I guess he thinks it's going to work. Maybe I'll try it out and see. The hubs wants me to make him a sammich? Shhhhhhhhh ha!! Now I love the little assholes, all four of them. They're a lot of fun, when they're not plotting against me or locking themselves in their rooms for whatever reason. Oh the angst!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Teenagers at the dentist. 

Ok- I never understood the whole "Kids high on gas at the dentist" till I witnessed Dade throwing an imaginary throwing star at me. I was pretty entertained. I also enjoyed an entire conversation about clowns and their funny shows. Sadly I didn't film all of it. But enjoy this 30 seconds of imaginary throwing stars.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Ok- so I made a Disney tactical error- or 5. 

I haven't really written much lately. I have been meaning to write this post for some time, but I haven't really had the heart. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Disney with the family, and it was important for us to be all together. I just, well, didn't have as much fun as expected.  Why you ask? And if you didn't, I'm writing anyway, so who cares?

1. Over planning. I am a self professed control freak. I love to be bossy. This time it bit me in the ass. I had too much planned for too many people. I didn't leave enough wiggle room, so when things went wrong it threw everything off. 

2. Park Hopper. When we originally planned, the decision was to all stay together. Well, that's great, till we all discovered we had a lot of different interests. The boys all wanted to hang out in Star Wars land, and the girls wanted to enjoy Epcot. If we had a park hopper, we could have easily split the group up and met up later; this was we all had to stay together. Animal Kingdom was not a hit. 

3. Sickness and Health. We all got hit with a Nuro virus. Puking, pooping, the worst. Next time I'm going to either call ahead and request a deep clean, take airborne or emergen-c, or Lysol the hell out of the room. Hell, maybe I'll do all 3. With the sickness we missed out on a loooooot. 

4. Alternate plans. Next time I go with a large group, I'm going to make sure everyone has a copy of the itinerary and the Disney Experience App. When I was sick, there was no on leading the group and it fell apart. Have a second in command! 

5. Rest Day, Rest Day, Rest Day. I wish I would have planned a day of nonsense where we could just rest by the pool or shop. It was too much, and we needed rest. The kids really wanted to spend more time in the pool, I don't really feel they enjoyed the parks as much. 

All in all, it was a good trip, with a few hiccups. Next time, it will be better! The matching shirts were a hit!!!

Friday, September 8, 2017


Potty training is Super fun. So today, Devil Baby decided to take his diaper off and poop on the floor. Then he stepped in it. Worst ever!